TGIF #36: Something to Plan

My childhood friend is coming to Italy, together with his wife next week. They are based in Singapore actually.

Got to plan ahead.
1. Target cities to go: Milan (obviously, i live here), Rome, Florence, Pisa, Venice, Verona, Bergamo & Lake Como.

2. Browse online about the cities, places to go, where to eat, etc. Provide maps if necessary.

3. Know how much the ticket costs for the train and bus. Know how much too for the entrance tickets to museums, places, etc. as well as opening and closing hours.
4. Sketch an itinerary, to estimate travel time & budget.
5. Look at the weather forecast, to plan better what to wear and bring! =)

So, see yah around. I’ll be busy for 9 days!

Madone, Bergamo

we had traveled a lot this month of august, and i guess we need a little breather. an invitation from my hub’s auntie from bergamo is most welcome. totally relaxing weekend. we practically did nothing, but eat and sleep. =)

This church bells use to rang every half hour. If you live near here, you’ll get used to it.

Parocchia di San Gioanni Battista

This is my view from the terrace where we stayed.
this is just so relaxing
best habit: doing nothing! =)

i don’t have with me my Nikon SLR this weekend. my friend borrowed it from their Rome trip, so this is the best i can capture from the phone cam. have a good day.


all photos taken in holland

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose.”
– Tehyi Hsieh
i can’t remember the exact date when we became friends. More or less 7 years if i’m not mistaken. we just met virtually at the blogging site, Yahoo 360 Beta (which was already closed now), and the rest is history. our friendship just goes stronger and sweeter through the years.
Cheers to our friendship!

Fun Discoveries

i’m not a computer geek. but i’m fond of browsing, reading and discovering. in my generation, everything is “simple”: no internet yet, no cell phones, no ipad’s, etc. etc. if you want to discover fastly, stuffs that are techie…browse into your kid’s, niece’, nephew’s profiles, or browse more on facebook or twitter– then you will see cute stuffs.
so, i saw this gifboom at my niece beautiful tumblr page. tadaaaaaaaan! i immediately downloaded the apps and tried it out. i have to admit i just discover the Instagram application last week. dah? i can hear my teenage son “Ma…it’s has long been invented…”
well, it’s always better late than never. =)

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