Superman Meets Super Mom

OK. Before you react about the title…i all consider Moms as “Super”…I guess all the moms will agree to that. Anyway, it’s been an interesting Sunday, for i brought my Super Z to an event and didn’t suspect Superman will be there to greet us at the main entrance.

(Ha ha ha!)
It’s supposed to be a Star Wars exhibit, but some personalities are present there.

I’m a Superman fan! My daughter keeps on asking me who is he. She haven’t seen any Superman movie yet. Maybe seen his face on comic books or videos, but haven’t really known why he is called Superman.


Well, with this thought, i wish you all a great Monday!


Carnival 2013

Carnival 2013

I would just describe Milan’s Carnival Festival in 3C’s:

Cold: it’s -3°C and according to weather forecast snow will come next week.
Colorful: obviously, there are lots of fun rides and kids on costumes at the Sforzesco Castle every year.
Crunchy: who will ever miss that yummy and crunchy “frittelle” (flat doughnut). i love it!